The culture of DevOps with Nic from HashiCorp

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Andraž Brodnik and Andraž Sraka have hosted Nic Jackson from HashiCorp.

They explored challenges with the modern cloud-infused landscape on the shoulders of DevOps culture.

Nic is the author of the book Building Microservices with Go and has been working on various projects and technologies that are used in modern development environments.

We spoke about Vault, Terraform, Packer, Nomad and others...

The episode of Ogrodje was recorded at FRI Ljubljana.

Both Nic and Andraž Brodnik also spoke at DevOpsDays Ljubljana 2023.

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  • 3fs - If you are looking for challenges related to product/software development and design, visit 3fs.cloud
  • Humanfrog - A strategy consulting company with core competencies in digitalisation, internet technologies, and experience design. Visit humanfrog.com to learn more.

Production: DOLAR Media & Rok Zorc (Digitalno Podzemlje)
